Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Maintaining Cultural Traditions

Manufacture of pulp material dispensing asy'ura

On 10 Muharram Banjar society especially for the Kampung Melayu is a special day that they continue to celebrate each year of hundreds of years ago when the religion of Islam into the ground this Mangkurat Stomach.The 10th of Muharram is often also referred to as the day of Ashura. It's hereditary Malay tradition until this date when the night they make mush of Ashura. No exception to the Kampung Melayu sub submissive East Martapura continue to keep the nobleness of this ancestral cultural traditions.

German Collector Buy Banjar Keris

Soultan Banjar Prince H Khairul Saleh seing keris Banjar

Hundreds of keris from various regions in Indonesia exhibited in a series of milad Sultanate of Banjar to 507 in the building Dekranasda Martapura, Banjar regency began on 6 to 10 december 2011.Some keris collectors of the various kingdoms or sultanates throughout Indonesia including Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Jakarta, Martapura, Banjarbaru and collectors from other areas. Not only featuring kris kris-usual, the collectors also show the results kris dagger collection of hundreds of years old.

Khatam Al-Quran In 3 Minutes

2011 students Kindergarten / TPA seal implement Quran Quran for 3 minutes
On December 8, then the people watching the final Banjar Quran in bulk, not half-hearted final event of the Qur'an is a series of Milad Sultanate of Banjar to 507 included 2011 participants and carried out in the garden of Good Earth Light (CBS) Martapura.

Eligibility Must be Tested Bentor

Bentor vehicle which is a modification of the rickshaw and motorcycles must be in the first test of its feasibility

The rise Bentor (Daw Motor) in Martapura within the last 6 months is indeed reap a variety of responses, of which supports up that do not support, of course, with a variety of arguments each of the parties.For that support, of course, argue that the existence bentor very helpful in terms of transport and reduce the exploitation of man by man.

Farmers are complaining about lack of Rubber Garden Extension

Rubber farmers in the village of Pingaran Hulu complained about the lack of agricultural extension workers 

Rubber farmers in the village Pingaran Hulu of District  Astambul complained of lack of extension agents who provide guidance to them on a rubber plantation in their village.According to one farmer Yanto rubber plantations, is tens of years they have never been visited by extension agents. This he said makes it difficult for farmers to plant rubber plantation there are attacks of disease.

One Hour Rain, Flood Comes

One hour of rainteacher housing on Guntung Alaban flooded
Some residents in the Teachers Housing Complex at Guntung Alaban RT 13 RW 2, Banjar Regency Martapura some time it looks so dizzy because his house is often flooded.This December alone there were 3 times subject to flood, but the two floods that occurred at the beginning of the month of December is not too broad and deep. "The flood last night fairly deep and widespread flooding teacher housing complex," explained M Yupi Hipyani local residents.

Martapura Start Flooded

It seems that the flood had entered Martapura urban areas, according to Head Martapura AH Fahri there are at least 6 villages already submerged in water even if conditions are not too worried."There are at least 6 villages that have been affected by flooding, but water does not enter into the house, even if there was little, so let's hope the water does not soak up people's houses," he said yesterday.

Residents complain about Gas Tube Contents

Kitano River Villagers complained about the content of 3 kg gas cylinder which according to them it was not until 3 kilograms so that they feel loss result buy it.Marhasan to the Constitutional Court yesterday, bluntly complained of dissatisfaction over the lack of content of the gas. Because according to him, as consumers who buy, residents should get a light green gas canister is fully appropriate in the content contained weighing 3 Kg.