Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Darjah Lifting, Reaching Tuah

Banjar dance to welcome guests from various royal and noble invitation when the Banjar imperial milad

Who ever thought that has abolished the Sultanate Banjar by the Dutch about 150 years ago, now and again burst into an endless phenomenon discussed by urang Banjar and Indonesia.Bold and historic step Maangkat Batang Tarandam Banjar culture for the glory that once large and recognized by the world is done by a man who was born on January 5, 1964 or the 19th of Sha'ban 1383 H was named Gusti Khairul Saleh, son of love of Gusti Jumri and Kartinah.Not felt, 10 December, Prince H Khairul Saleh, who holds the Viceroy Banjar, exactly one year to occupy a large mandate as Viceroy of the Sultanate of Banjar.

To commemorate the while preserving the cultural, Sultanate digelarlah Milad event to 507 or milad Banjar Banjar first Empire in the 21st century once again raised formally with dinobatkannya Khairul Saleh as Viceroy of the Sultanate of Banjar on 6 Muharam 1432 H (December 12, 2010).In the Sultanate milad Darjah Lifting the theme, Achieving meaningful Tuah elevating culture to achieve good luck for the Banjar Banjar society is strung together with dozens of events are laden with cultural values, such as goal Khairul Saleh who want to revive the heyday of cultural Banjar.Spectacular leaps in raising Banjar culture itself has actually been done Khairul Saleh since tens of years ago. He even began to take inventory of pedigree zuriat Banjar kingdom since 1997.At that time he only hoped the collection of data and information in a scientific documentation into one step glue the back strap silaturrahmi the zuriat. Since the abolition of the Kingdom of the Netherlands banjo, kinship ties became strained, many do not know each other.In 2001, Khairul Saleh step in the generation of culture Banjar even clearer when he ditampuk as head of Yayasan Sultan Adam. As Chairman of Sultan Adam, Khairul Saleh's name more widely known by his relatives inside and outside the region, including a king among relatives or archipelago.When in the Yogyakarta Palace Festival activities organized by the Forum Palace se Silaturrahmi Nusantara (FKSN) in 2004, Khairul Saleh as Chairman of Sultan Adam was invited as a representative of the Sultanate of Banjar descent relatives.And in the year 2010 ago Khairul Saleh in FKSN appointed as Chairman of Borneo and receive the gift of the title as the preserver of cultural figures, it is increasingly reinforce the commitment Khairul Saleh as a real attempt urang Banjar Banjar evoke culture and meaning for the good of society.Even Khairul Saleh also acknowledged by the nobility and the king - the king in Indonesia as a preserver of cultural figures with diangurahi a relic kingdom's keris Singosari submitted by the Foundation Pakubuwono XII Surakarta Sultanate Palace.Keris was previously held by Sri susuhunan Pakubuwono XII."Those who are eligible for the gift of this dagger is a figure of cultural conservationists keratin," says Prince Kanjeng Gusti Haryo (KGPH) Gunarso Kusumodiningrat.Culture of the Sultanate Banjar Banjar after resurrected by Khairul Saleh was increasingly echoed loudly, not only in Borneo but as Indonesia and even abroad.Even the cultural trip to the Netherlands, one of dance performances Banjar get a positive appreciation of thousands of residents and tourists who packed the Tong Tong Fair in The Hague, in other words when the cultural tour conducted Banjar Sultanate led by Khairul Saleh managed to amaze the European public .So is his visit to Troppen Museum in Rotterdam, he was welcomed both by the President Troppen Museum who is also Director of the Royal Tropical Institute, Dr. January Donner, who said he was deeply impressed with the sultanate of Banjar which has particularly high attention to preserve the culture of his ancestors.Since that visit also, the Sultanate of Banjar get a falsdisk containing historic photos of the documentation in the past Martapura made by the Dutch who is never seen by the public at Banua.Similarly, Minister Counsellor Econom / HOC Embassy of Indonesia in the Netherlands, Henk E Saroinson, said Khairul Saleh impressed with the efforts to preserve cultural values. "Preservation of cultural values ​​and customs are very worthy of public support," he said.

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