Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Looking Tosan Aji Banjar Regency

HM Aidil Basith, showing a collection of keris and other objects tosan aji his hundreds of years old

Collecting for Cultural Preservation

Traditional weapons made of steel, iron and even of many stones scattered in the archipelago, but one that is equalized, the traditional weapon of artificial archipelago is famous for its level of artistic and cultural content is very high.

No exception in Banjar Regency, the lovers, as well as observers pengkoleksi cultural heritage that is often referred to as Tosan Aji is growing in the earth Gastric Mangkurat. Why is referred to as Tosan Aji (Tosan = iron, Aji = value), because these weapons have a unique characteristic of this archipelago in the manufacturing technology. Weapons - weapons were made by forging technique, not casted, some are even forming tosan aji only by hand without forged. According to Deputy Chief Observer Tosan Aji Banjar Regency, HM Aidil Basith, some tosan aji, among others such as kris, belitung, saber and spear. So what exactly is expected of sebilah even-bladed dagger blade tosan aji such that it was thought to have good luck? Men are often greeted Basith stated that he frequently reminded the lovers tosan aji for the keris is not misplaced. "Look, do not assume or believe that by having certain kris will be rich, or a person Digdaya top, it's called shirk!" Said Basith. According to him, rightly tosan aji kris or other objects placed as objects of cultural heritage should be preserved because it is a tradition. Tosan aji then also become a pride of the community's unique archipelago because of its manufacture and implement a process that adi superb. "Look a dagger for example, see its shape, but requires a high level of skills also includes religious meanings that should be a clue that the owner will remember religion," said pengkoleksi hundreds tosan aji this. So wise so if we do not expect much in the efficacy of the keris. Because tosan aji kris or other objects is an object that has aesthetic value which it is located in a national culture that must be preserved. Because it said Basith, how to 'hold' a dagger or objects to be straightened tosan aji. "Well do not because Kris was conceived when he was going to be rich or powerful or safe, but the prayers that accompany the making keris we are trying to interpret the fear of God, not to the form of the kris," said the owner of the keris Spring Kedhaton Majapahit Kingdom era legacy those aged 700 years. Kris-making by a master craftsman he added, through a long process, in addition to fasting and prayers are good also makes it always in a state of purity. Well that's where he says, its meaning is taken, the prayers performed a master craftsman who has a clean heart that accompany the making of keris is expected to be meaningful to the owner of the keris. Therefore, a dagger which contains valuable teachings of the ancestors who lived a noble doctrine to be learned, felt and practiced. Because the shape of the keris, the prestige that came with a dagger like a carved letter to the owner to understand and interpret better life. "Verily We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs and We sent down with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice) so that people can carry out justice. And We have created / sent down iron in whom there is great strength and range of benefits to people (so they use the iron), and that Allah may know who is helping (religion) Him and His apostles when God has not seen. Verily, Allah almighty Mighty. "(Al-Hadid 57: 25) Al-Quran verse is said Deputy Chief Observer Tosan Aji Banjar Regency, HM Aidil Basith, confirm and let you know that iron has a location and a great benefit if it can and know how to use and exploit. So he continued, in addition to preservation of cultural factors on the results of adi noble art contained on tosan aji like a dagger, the benefits of iron which became the main ingredients of art tosan aji is also mentioned in the Qur'an. Iron is a chemical element that has a code of Fe-57. In the Qur'an (long before the element was discovered expert, has been clearly stated in Sura Al-Hadid (iron) which is a letter to 57 of AL Quran. The third character related to the chemical elements in the periodic table. It is impossible to interpret without Iron Letters "dissect" the chemical elements following iron karakterisistiknya, which is associated with al-Hadid said. Because without knowing the properties of iron, the reader will not know the "beauty" Iron this letter, which placed at number 57. Value word or al-Hadid al-journals is 57. Consisting of 'al' (31) and 'Hadid' (26). The evidence suggests that iron or al-Hadid has a value (al-juntal) 57, together with his letter a number, or (19 x 3). Multiples of 19 with a coefficient number 3. Researchers from the Koran Fakir group 60 in the United States explained that the number of words in this letter are all 574 words, while the number of words from the paragraph beginning with the letter until the 25th (first word) is 451. 574 Numbers indicate Fe-57 is one of the stable isotopes of four isotopes that exist or means also "that has 4 levels of energy". Numbers 451, the number of words, is the symbol number number number eight isotopes of iron, Fe-52, Fe-54, Fe-55, Fe-56, Fe-57, Fe-58, Fe-58, to Fe-60; is 52 + 54 + 55 + 56 + 57 + 58 + 59 + 60 = 451. Encryption on all four stable isotopes, Fe-54, Fe-56, Fe-57, and Fe-58 is a multiple of 19 or: 54565758 = 19 x 2871882. Likewise, the atomic mass of Fe-57, 56.9354 is: 569 354 = 19 x 29 966, not a coincidence, if the number of letters and numbers iron verse (Surah 57:25) is shown with the number 19. 5 +7 +2 +5 = 19. Nor is it a coincidence that Iron Letter placed in the middle of the Koran, as the iron element number 26 is located in the middle of the periodic table. Iron Letter shows its merits in many ways, including the intrinsic iron derived from the sky through the initial formation of meteorites on Earth, billions of years ago. Iron is known to have tremendous power, iron and nickel core form magnetic field shields the earth with tremendous energy to withstand solar flares and magnetic storms the sky. Subhanallah, what a neat, prepare an explanation of God through His revelation. No man who compiled a breakdown on an object with a series that describes each letter and its position precisely on the object itself. Indeed it is true, the challenge of God to men and jinn, will not be able to make a single letter, even though each please help. Even the word "anzalnaa" which means "we sent down" to make this verse has a very important scientific miracles. This is because modern astronomical findings have revealed that the metal iron found on earth we come from giant stars in outer space. All this suggests that the metallic iron is formed in the earth but not a shipment from stars that exploded in space via meteors and "down to earth", exactly as stated in the verse, it is clear that this fact can not be scientifically known in the century to-7 when the Qur'an was revealed. Because it is said one expert tosan aji origin Banjar Regency, Jasrin professor, has a dagger or other objects tosan aji very proud indeed, the article implicitly iron mentioned in the verses of the Koran, but if not careful will be able to make self polytheists and shirk if we view objects tosan aji dagger or incorrectly. "Do not get mired in assumptions or believe in the greatness that is able to create a rich dagger, able to create a safe, capable of making happy and forget about the power of God Almighty!" He said. Yes, like herbal medicine made by a herbalist, who comes from a variety of plants that has its own function and then blended for a cure for a disease. Kris too, blended from various types of iron that has its own functions and then put together for a purpose for pemesannya, of course, with the permission of Allah SWT

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